Student Council
Green Oaks Fundamental School
Student Council Information
Students Council is an important component of Green Oaks School. It is a wonderful opportunity for students to be involved and make a difference at their school while developing important leadership and collaboration skills.
Students are required to turn in a petition, make a speech in front of their peers and to run a campaign with badges and posters. They are required to attend a monthly meeting with the Council and teacher advisors.
Why does Student Council exist?
- To develop leadership skills in students
- To promote school spirit and pride
- To solve problems and make decisions
- To create publicity about student events
- To raise money, standards and morale
What are the positions and what do office holders do?
President- A 5th grade student only
- Prepares the agendas for the meetings
- Presides over the meetings
- Assigns duties to council members
- Is a member of all council committees
Vice President- A 4th grade student only
- Attends all meetings
- Chairs committees when assigned by the president
- Takes over for President when needed
- Helps raise the flag if not done by Sergeant of Arms
- Chairs fund-raising events
Secretary- A 5th grade student only
- Attends all meetings, neatly takes notes/minutes and organizes them in the Student Council Notebook
- Turns in a copy of the minutes to Mrs. Albano after every meeting
- Takes roll at the meeting
- Sends thank you notes
Treasurer- a 4th or 5th grade student only
- Attends meetings
- Keeps records of all money raised and spent
- Prepares and reads a treasurers report for every meeting
Sergeant of Arms- A 4th or 5th grade student only
- Raises flag each day
- Attends and keeps order at the meetings
- Committee member as needed
How do I run for Student Council?
- Pick up a petition from your teacher
- Fill out the petition
- Ask this year’s teacher and your last year’s teacher to fill out a recommendation form and have them return it to the teacher advisor.
- Any student with satisfactory grades or better may apply
- Talk to your parents about obligation. Being an officer of Student Council is a commitment! By running for an office, you are promising to come to all meetings on time and do your personal best to help Student Council run smoothly. (Note: three (3) unexcused absences from meeting and you will be excused from Student Council.)
- You are also promising to follow all school rules and show excellent behavior at school. (Note: You may be excused from Student Council based on behavior, as determined by Mrs. O’Brien.)
- Return your petition promptly
- Prepare and deliver a 1-2 minute speech in an assembly. Speech will be reviewed by teacher advisors before presenting at the assembly.
- Follow all campaign rules
- Report for duty at the first meeting!
Election Assembly:
Speeches are to the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes. Speeches should not be longer than two minutes. Candidates should NOT read their speeches and should speak clearly to the student body. Consider wearing a Green Oaks shirt or a nice outfit for your speech. Elections will be held after the speeches. If all goes according to plan, election results will be announced before the end of the school day.
Green Oaks Student Council Members for 2024-2025
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